Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My own little Monster

Sometimes life gets busy and crazy and all our days run together especially when juggling motherhood. It dawned on me last week that this was happening and little things were slipping like the boy's 6 month Dentist check ups.
So like a good mom who has realized a ball has been dropped I called right away and made the appointment. 
Within a day of "saving grace" my 7 year old pointed out that his bottom tooth was really loose. So I had a look. Imagine my surprise (& horror) when I peeked in and saw BOTH of his permanent teeth had grown in behind his baby teeth!! Needless to say I felt guilty and realized I would not be receiving a mom of the month award.
While I was devastated, my son on the other hand, thought it was quite cool to be an actual Monster so close to Halloween!
Our dentist was quick to assure me that this happens quite a bit & the teeth would fall out. Sure enough one has already made it to the Tooth Fairy.
I present to you the 2013 Jonas Family Monster:
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